Friday, March 27, 2009

assignment#9 VIDEO:)

heey there ,

here is my assignment #9 with emily:)

Friday, March 6, 2009

Assignment #8 video

For Assignment #8, Emily and I made a video interview on Louis Riel.
Click here to see it: Emily's Blog

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Assaginment # 8 The Real Riel

This Is a assignment on a interview with Louis Riel.We Will get to know him better, and learn about how he grew up and his life.He is here on my talk show to talk to me today!

Adria: Welcome Louis Riel.! We are so happy you could be here with us,we have so much to ask!

Louis Riel: Hello!, and thank you i am happy to be here,thanks for having me!

Adria: Great! Lets get started.! Here is a question about your childhood. We Know that you were born in October 22,1844 in St.Boniface, and your mother Julie Lagimodière, and you father Louis Riel. How did it feel to have the same name as your father?

Louis Riel: Having the same name as my father was very inspiring and i didn't mind having the same name as my dad. He was a good man and a roll model to me. I was very upset when He died in 1868.I will always be proud to have his name!

Adria: Well I'm sorry too here that. Next Question.What did you do with your free time?

Louis Riel: Okay, Well i always had something to do either taking care of dad and mom or hanging out but i mostly liked, writing poems.Lat November the existence that i got for writing poems was good one, but it was past down by Riel even through the family of mine had a lot of

Adria: Well i guess this ends the interview. Thank you so much for coming on the show with me,you have been wonderful!

Louis Riel: Oh, no problem,this has been fun! Thanks again for having me! Bye

Adria: Always welcome! Talk to you soon,Bye!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

assignment# 7 Canadian Personalities

hey readers,

This assignment Is about Canadian Personalities.

4 a)Which category of Canadian Personalities interested you the most? Did you like the "we inspired", "we founded", "we fought", "we built" or "we governed" section the best? Why?

The category of Canadian Personalities interested me the most was We Built because it kinda means like i have done all that i can have done to get where i am now or where i want to be.Its like im strong i built all that i have by my self.

b)Which personality interested you the most? Why? Find an image of him or her to embed (add to the body of your post) and write, in your own words, a short description of what he or she did and why he or she is your favourite. If you get information from any source, you must credit it by creating a link to it (that includes information from the site that I've asked you to look at)

The person that i was most interested in was Nellie McClung She interested me because she was a Feminist and She fought with words.She was raised by a Christian and was born in Chatsworth Ontairo in the year of 1873.

Then she became a teacher at the age of 16.Maybe a year or a little bit less then a year she meet a activist named Annie McClung,that was soon going to be her her future mother-in-law.With Annie’s suporot, she wrote a the bestselling novel, but then used the fame to win friends.My favourite thing that she did was that she did was she gave a voice or vote to all Canadian women ,and in 1929 she became one of the Famous Five who demanded that woman he the legally rights to be there on person.

c.) In your post, suggest three more influential Canadian personalities that could be added to this site. Why did you choose these people? Which categories would they fit into? Link to information about each of them.

One of the people that i have chossen to write about was Juan de Onate. He was a Famous Spanish Explorer and He also wrote a Short Biography about the life of being Juan de Onate Spanish Conquistador and Explorer.He was most famous for Establishing the colony of New Mexico for Spain.While growing up with his father Don Cristobal de Onate she had a dream for her cheer to be a Spanish Conquistador and he did just that.He had a pretty long life from 1550 - 1630.The categorie that i would put him under would be We Built because He made his own dreams come true and he went almost thourgh his hole life by him self sence his mother died and him and his dad weren't that close.

If you want to learn more about him go to:

The second person that i choice was Sir Walter Raleigh.He was a Explorer, Privateer, Poet and Courtier.His Nationality was English and he was from Canada, his father was a farmer,his half brother was a explorer Sir Humphrey Gilbert, and he was also related to Sir Richard Grenville and Sir Francis Drake. He knew that he always wanted to be a Poet, Courtier, Privateer and Explorer and he did so. Now he is famous for "The Discovery of Guiana and establishing the Virginia colony of Roanoke Island in 1584". The cateporie i would put him under We Inspired because he was a poet and that is still kinda like writting so he insired alot of people with the words that he spoke and said to others.

The third person i chose is Celine Dion.I picked her because she was a singer/song writter and insired alot of poeple with what she sang and did.She Inspired me because all the things that she did to help people that wern't as fortunate as her.She was a great role motol to her kids and to everyone around her.The Cateporie that i would put her under would be We Inspired because she did inspire alot of people in many ways.

Here is some the songs that she sang that have good words in them that are inspiring:

7. Go back to your post and answer the following question:
d.) Which History-Maker did you have the most in common with? Were you able to figure it out from the clues given? What do you share with that person? What are some things that are different between you and that person?

The person that i had most in common with was Joseph-Armand Bombardier.I was not able to figure out that i would be in common with him because i have like nothing in common with him,only like maybe one thing and that is that we both had a sister and thats not really the same because he has two younger ones and i have one thats the same age,he also has five younger brothers and i dont have one.After i have finished the test i learned that Joseph-Armand Bombardier was a creative genius who built his first snowmobile when he was only 15 years old.His inventions helped to open up the North, and the skidoo introduced a whole new sport in the world.The company he started ina small village is now a Billion-doller buiness!


~I think that it is cool how he built the first snowmobile but i dont think that is what iu would want to do, but i think that it was a good invention that he came up with at the age of 15~!

8. Think long and hard about this part and then post an answer to this question on your blog:
e.) One hundred years from now, (in 2109!) imagine that students are learning about Canadian History Makers and they discover you. What will you be remembered for? How were you a Canadian History Maker? You are using your imagination, so think about some things that you would like to accomplish in your life and imagine that you have all the accomplishments of your life to look back on.

Thinking about this if i were discovered in 2109 i think that i would want to be remembered as helping the kids in Youth centers so that all the kids have a home and none of them have to live on the street or in a center.This is something i have been wanting to do for a year or so becuase it makes me sad when i see kids and they have no homes or when they have to suffer becacause they have no where to go.If i were under a categorie i think i would be We Fought because its like we have to fight to find all the childern homes and we cant just say okay they have homes we have to fight and speek out so that we can get out words out and find all the kids out there that dont have homes to get one.If i accompilish this i would be so prould because no child would have to be alone or by them self and they would have a good life.

Write a short profile of yourself, imagining the contributions you have made to the future of Canada. (Write this as though you've lived your whole life. You may have been a phenomenal athlete, the first black Prime Minister, cured cancer...use your imagination!)
Adria B. is a youth Center founder. She helps children find a home so they are not on the street or with out a family.The reason why she started this is because she felt bad for all the kids and didn't want them to have to have a bad life.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Assignment #6 black history month

hey readers ,

As you all know next month coming up is black history month in February.
This assignment is about all great black people that have helped the world in some way or are just people that have done something great.
I picked Marie-Joseph Angelique.
The reason i have picked her is because she was a slave and gone though alot of stuff that people don't have to do now.She was a slave in Montreal merchant,DE Francheville, carried out one of the most dramatic acts of resistance on April 11, 1734.
After learning that she was going to be sold she set a fire to her owner's house in order to cover her escape. The fire destroyed 46 buildings including the Hôtel Dieu, but in June of 1734 she was captured,tortured, paraded through the streets, then hanged and her body burned.While Canada did become a safe haven for runaway slaves, this country does have its own history of slavery. Marie-Joseph Angélique was a slave owned by François Poulin de Francheville in Montreal.
In the spring of 1734, a fire that started at the Francheville’s home destroyed forty-six buildings in the colony, including the Hôtel-Dieu hospital. It is alleged that Marie-Joseph set the fire “out of wickedness” to cover her plan to escape slavery and travel to New England with her white lover.
She was captured, brought to trial and, under torture confessed to the crime. The evidence, however — the testimony of 20 witnesses, none of whom saw her commit the crime — was circumstantial. Her sentence, death by hanging, was carried out on June 21, 1734, in front of the burned remains of the Francheville’s home.
Look for more information at:

Marie-Joseph Angelique also wrote a book,and it was called The Hanging Of Angelique.It was about how she speaks to us in a voice that cannot be ignored or suppressed any longer – that of the resistance to slavery. Angélique is a rebel, a woman who must die and who speaks truth to power.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

assignment # 5 The early settlers

Hey Readers,

This is a assignment about how cold it gets here in Canada...

Some of the challenges where that people where dieing because of the cold winter.

They also had challengens for finding food... How they would find food was fishing or in the winter ice fishing...They didn't have anything like blankets, layers of clothes, fireplaces , and a warm house...Now today in the winter in its coldest days are -30, you can get a frostbite within 10 mintues of being outside...
It must have been really hard for the aboriginal people because they where out side all the time, and the hardest time of the year was winter.But people where coming to Canada all time of the year spring,summer,fall and winter...

It is a big deal being out side because it is always so cold and because back then they probly didn't have the things that we have now.

Some things that the candaidans would do where:Opened to European settlement, pioneers faced the difficult task of building homes and communities from the ground up. Pioneer life was the basic existence in a northern wilderness - food, shelter, fuel and clothing

check out the site at:

Winter in Canada who live near the east or west coasts, spot robins or the shoots of early spring flowers struggling to push their way up through the still cold soil. Many Canadians, find only snow, ice, and chill wind. They heave a sigh and trudge over to dig out their cars so they can gather together, at work or the coffee shop, to complain about the weather.People back then who just came to Canada didn't always have to dig for there cars because they might have not had one or coulndn't afforid it, but now alot of people have cars and they have to do alot more then what you had to do then.

Canada is a big country .Winter weather can be a very different experience for poeple who live all over,for poeple who live in mexico,Halifax,northern Manitoba on Hudson bay,Vancouver,and Ottawa.No matter where you live you live winter can be different for everyone but for Canadians, winter weather is an important part of the national experience. A great thing about living in Canada is that we have winter sports,hot choclate,cold weather, and people to spend it with.

Check out this site with alot of winter things about Canadian winter:

My family has been in Canada for such along time more then 100 years,when we where born and still are.We have thought about moving for the cold winter months but never did because then we would have to miss out on the fun things that winter brings things like skating,snowshoes,making snow angels,and having fun in the snow.Sometimes i don't like living in Canada because of the realy cold weather, but it is only for a few months.

How do you feel about winter?

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

assignment #4

hey readers,
This time i have been visting other peoples blogs about Canadian History...
I really like what Emily Z. said.. Check it out

The other person's blog that i injoyed about Canadian History was Allyson.KS
she had alot of information and i really liked what she said about 2109,it is really cool how she wants to stop global warming and that she is in to that kinda of stuff..check out what she has to say
The thrid person's blog that i really liked was Sabrina's... Her blog was really neat becacause she put questions anbd her own opinion..She said "It seems like Canada has gone through a lot of changes" and i aggree with that so check it out at:

Friday, January 9, 2009

Christopher Moore's Canadian History: To the Nines -- reviewing the centuries

Christopher Moore's Canadian History: To the Nines -- reviewing the centuries

Check out Christopher Moore's Canadian History Blog! I think in 2109 that the world won't have any war and that it will be alot happier,more peace,frendship, and no more pollution...I also think that the world will be cleaner. This blog has been a help to me understand what happened in the world and what he thinks will happen.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Welcone to my Blog!

Welcome to my blog!
My name is Adria.b,
I am a stundent in grade 7 learing about Canadian History in Ottawa with my teacher Miss.Pollock...I am so excited to get to do this other then history work form a textbook.! Hope all readers like my blog and comment when ever you like...

Heres my teachers blog check it out: