Thursday, January 15, 2009

assignment # 5 The early settlers

Hey Readers,

This is a assignment about how cold it gets here in Canada...

Some of the challenges where that people where dieing because of the cold winter.

They also had challengens for finding food... How they would find food was fishing or in the winter ice fishing...They didn't have anything like blankets, layers of clothes, fireplaces , and a warm house...Now today in the winter in its coldest days are -30, you can get a frostbite within 10 mintues of being outside...
It must have been really hard for the aboriginal people because they where out side all the time, and the hardest time of the year was winter.But people where coming to Canada all time of the year spring,summer,fall and winter...

It is a big deal being out side because it is always so cold and because back then they probly didn't have the things that we have now.

Some things that the candaidans would do where:Opened to European settlement, pioneers faced the difficult task of building homes and communities from the ground up. Pioneer life was the basic existence in a northern wilderness - food, shelter, fuel and clothing

check out the site at:

Winter in Canada who live near the east or west coasts, spot robins or the shoots of early spring flowers struggling to push their way up through the still cold soil. Many Canadians, find only snow, ice, and chill wind. They heave a sigh and trudge over to dig out their cars so they can gather together, at work or the coffee shop, to complain about the weather.People back then who just came to Canada didn't always have to dig for there cars because they might have not had one or coulndn't afforid it, but now alot of people have cars and they have to do alot more then what you had to do then.

Canada is a big country .Winter weather can be a very different experience for poeple who live all over,for poeple who live in mexico,Halifax,northern Manitoba on Hudson bay,Vancouver,and Ottawa.No matter where you live you live winter can be different for everyone but for Canadians, winter weather is an important part of the national experience. A great thing about living in Canada is that we have winter sports,hot choclate,cold weather, and people to spend it with.

Check out this site with alot of winter things about Canadian winter:

My family has been in Canada for such along time more then 100 years,when we where born and still are.We have thought about moving for the cold winter months but never did because then we would have to miss out on the fun things that winter brings things like skating,snowshoes,making snow angels,and having fun in the snow.Sometimes i don't like living in Canada because of the realy cold weather, but it is only for a few months.

How do you feel about winter?


Firas D. said...

Check for spelling mistakes again.

Chongo B. said...

i really liked your entry because its easy to understand, has A LOT of imformation, and it makes sence.

Chongo B. said...

i really liked your entry because its easy to understand, has A LOT of imformation, and it makes sence.

Carly M♥ said...

checking if comments work :)

Ridge said...

nice history blog

Shauna Pollock said...

Hi Adria,

You have a very good entry here. I can see you found information from a number of places and linked to them appropriately. Well done.

Make sure that if you are using things from another site and you are using the exact words that you put them in quotation marks to show that they are not your own words.

Also, make sure to spell check before publishing!